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Electroencephalography and Magnetoencephalography: An Analytical-Numerical Approach

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Author: George Dassios, Athanassios S Fokas

ISBN/ASIN: 3110545780

The De Gruyter Series in Mathematics and Life Sciences is devoted to the publication of monographs in the field. They cover topics and methods in fields of current interest that use mathematical approaches to understand and explain, model and influence phenomena in all areas of life sciences. This includes, among others, theory and application of biological mathematical modeling, complex systems biology, bioinformatics, computational biomodeling stochastic modeling, biostatistics, computational evolutionary biology, comparative genomics, or structural bioinformatics. Also, new types of mathematical problems shall be covered that arise from biological knowledge.

The main objectives is to make such expositions available to and accessible by an interdisciplinary, growing readership hailing from all disciplines involved. The volumes shall convey the context of the given topic and enable these readers to understand, apply and develop further mathematical methods to given problems in biology. For this reason, works with up to four authors are preferred over edited volumes.

Therefore, contributions which are on the borderline of mathematics and life sciences and which stimulate further research at the crossroads of these areas are particularly welcome. In addition, use of electronic media to demonstrate, visualize and model the methods presented are very welcome, especially when interwoven with the written text.

Titles in planning include

Vlajko L. Kocic and Candace M. Kent, Nonlinear Nonautonomous Difference Equations: Global Behavior and Applications (2019) George Dassios and Athanassios S. Fokas, Electroencephalography and Magnetoencephalography: An Analytical-Numerical Approach (2019) Piotr Biler, Singularities of Solutions to Chemotaxis Systems (2020)

