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A Neuroimaging Atlas for Surgery of the Brain: Including Radiosurgery and Stereotaxis

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Author: Robert J. Coffey, Douglas A. Nichols

ISBN/ASIN: 0397517661

This atlas is an essential reference for neurosurgeons and radiation therapists performing stereotactic surgery or radiosurgery on lesions of the brain. Compiled by a neurosurgeon and a radiologist, the atlas presents computed tomographic and magnetic resonance images drawn from actual cases and correlates these images with traditional stereotactic brain atlases. This graphic material enables the surgeon to clearly visualize the effects of various space-occupying lesions on normal anatomy and to see the surgical target in relation to surrounding neural structures and pathways.An introductory chapter explains the methods used to correlate stereotactic and diagnostic imaging with traditional stereotactic atlases. Subsequent chapters present case material on extra-axial and skull base tumors, intra-axial tumors, and arteriovenous malformations.


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