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Backyard Brains

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"Backyard Brains enables everyone to be a neuroscientist! We provide affordable neuroscience experiment kits for students of all ages to learn (hands-on) about electrophysiology. Now everyone from schoolchildren to grad students and every grade in between can experiment with similar tools used by real neuroscientists worldwide! By following a few simple steps, everyone can experience first-hand how the brain communicates with our sense, memories, hopes, and desires."

Backyard Brains Company Profile

Founded in The United States around 2009, Backyard Brains produces noninvasive hardware and end-user software.

Backyard Brains makes tools for the assisted control of mechanical,electrical,and digital devices/applications, the objective measurement of subjective experiences through mind/body state interpretation and feedback through neurostimulation techniques.

BCI Categories: Open-Loop Efferent, Closed-Loop Efferent

Neurosensing Technique(s): EEG, ECG, EMG

Neurostimulation Technique(s): EMS




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