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Profusion EEG Software

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Compumedics has made use of an industry proven user interface developed by Microsoft® called “Ribbons”®. Combined with our proven industry leading features and functionality we believe Profusion EEG represents something really new in EEG! Compumedics is the first to implement this context sensitive user interface in EEG to finally group the most common functions into logical, fast and convenient groupings to ease and simplify operation for every user. You no longer have to wade through dozens of icons and menu trees to find the feature you need, with Compumedics Profusion EEG it’s all at your fingertips!

Conceived in close collaboration with leading EEG laboratories and Epilepsy Monitoring Units worldwide, Profusion EEG was designed for easy navigation and editing of up to 45 days of continuously recorded EEG, including impressively high sample rates (up to 10 kHz) and high channel densities (up to 256 channels). It also provides a full suite of data management tools for all aspects of recording & review.


