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Cyton Biosensing Board

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"The OpenBCI Cyton Board is an Arduino-compatible, 8-channel neural interface with a 32-bit processor. At its core, the OpenBCI Cyton Board implements the PIC32MX250F128B microcontroller, giving it lots of local memory and fast processing speeds. The board comes pre-flashed with the chipKIT™ bootloader, and the latest OpenBCI firmware. Data is sampled at 250Hz on each of the eight channels.

The OpenBCI Cyton Board can be used to sample brain activity (EEG), muscle activity (EMG), and heart activity (ECG). The board communicates wirelessly to a computer via the the OpenBCI USB dongle using RFDuino radio modules. It can also communicate wirelessly to any mobile device or tablet compatible with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)."

