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Neurogen Brain Balancing

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"Neurogen Brain Balancing helps the brain function in a more balanced and healthy way.

Using a state-of-the-art, patented technology called Neurogen High Performance Neurofeedback, it targets areas of the brain where imbalances are causing a variety of symptoms, from lack of focus and concentration to anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more."

Neurogen Brain Balancing Company Profile

Founded in The United States around 2018, Neurogen Brain Balancing produces neurotech consulting services.

Neurogen Brain Balancing makes tools for medical diagnosis and treatment through body/mind state interpretation and/or neurostimulation therapies and feedback through neurostimulation techniques.

BCI Categories: Bidirectional Afferent Closed-Loop

Neurosensing Technique(s): EEG

Neurostimulation Technique(s): TES


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