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Ochs Labs
"The concept of Low Energy Neurofeedback (which is a completely unique form of brain optimization) was first introduced by Len Ochs in the 1980s. After introducing his ideas to several national forums, he established Ochs Labs to further develop and hone Low Energy Neurofeedback concepts and the technology behind it.
Since then our providers and their patients have reported many forms of success using our unique and effective form of neurotherapy. Over 85% of people who have used the LENS have benefited significantly from it. Results can be seen quickly, often beginning within the first session, and are lasting."
Founded in The United States around 1980, Ochs Labs produces noninvasive hardware and end-user software.
Ochs Labs makes tools for medical diagnosis and treatment through body/mind state interpretation and/or neurostimulation therapies.
BCI Categories: Bidirectional Afferent Closed-Loop
Neurosensing Technique(s): EEG
Neurostimulation Technique(s): TES