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Pinnacle Technology

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"Pinnacle Technology specializes in researching, designing and manufacturing turn-key wireless and tethered neurophysiological systems for mice and rats, including systems for EEG/EMG, biosensors and fast scan cyclic voltammetry. Optogenetics, synchronized video and sleep deprivation can be added to most hardware setups, along with a variety of cages, stands and illuminators."

Pinnacle Technology Company Profile

Founded in The United States around 1995, Pinnacle Technology produces invasive hardware, end-user software and developer tools.

Pinnacle Technology makes tools for medical diagnosis and treatment through body/mind state interpretation and/or neurostimulation therapies and the objective measurement of subjective experiences through mind/body state interpretation.

BCI Categories: Open-Loop Efferent

Neurosensing Technique(s): EEG, EMG, Optogenetics



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