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Sands Research

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"Sands Research employs real-time, physiological data gathered from active audiences to provide objective measurements. Sands Research services are based on a solid scientific premise that can help organizations develop better ads from the ground up. Sands Research utilizes its proprietary IP analysis of EEG to deliver to advertisers Neuromedia (TM) studies (neuromarketing) that objectively measures the level of engagement in print and video advertisements, logos and digital media. Sands Research then scores the results using our Neuro Engagement Factor (NEF-tm) which assists the advertiser to interpret this information and create a consumer response that elicits increase brand awareness."

Sands Research Company Profile

Founded in The United States around 2008, Sands Research produces noninvasive hardware.

Sands Research makes tools for the objective measurement of subjective experiences through mind/body state interpretation.

BCI Categories: Open-Loop Efferent

Neurosensing Technique(s): EEG


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