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Schnitzer Group
"Mark Schnitzer is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and a Professor at Stanford University with a joint appointment in the Departments of Biology and of Applied Physics. He is Co-Director of the Cracking the Neural Code (CNC) Program at Stanford University and a faculty member of the Neuroscience, Biophysics, and Molecular Imaging Programs in the Stanford School of Medicine. Dr. Schnitzer has longstanding interests in neural circuit dynamics and optical imaging, has co-founded two scientific startup companies, and served on the Advisory Committee for the NIH BRAIN Initiative. His laboratory has two major research efforts:
- Innovation and application of optical imaging technologies for visualizing large-scale neural ensemble dynamics in awake behaving mice and fruit flies.
- Imaging and mechanistic studies of the neural ensemble basis for learning and long-term memory in cortical and sub-cortical brain areas."