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"For hospitals and clinics dissatisfied with traditional EEG, Zeto offers a turnkey solution for routine EEG tests. Unlike competitors, Zeto provides lower cost and faster turnaround time to clinics, extraordinary convenience to operators and a better experience to patients. Zeto makes EEG available to facilities that do not have access to trained EEG operators or neurologists."

Zeto Company Profile

Founded in The United States around 2014, Zeto produces noninvasive hardware and end-user software.

Zeto makes tools for medical diagnosis and treatment through body/mind state interpretation and/or neurostimulation therapies.

BCI Categories: Open-Loop Efferent

Neurosensing Technique(s): EEG



Zeto has 1 medical devices registered with the FDA. Here are some of them:

Examples of FDA Approved Devices ( View List)
Device ID Device Name Class Category PMA PMN
K172735 Full-Montage Standard Electroencephalograph 2 Neurology False True


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